Marble for years been passports to human body without radioactive hazards |
摘要:多年来,石材大理石在Abstract: for many years, the stone in marble装修decorate用材中总是被人们又爱又恨。Always be people and timber of love and hate.爱的是大气的Love is the atmosphere装修decorate感觉,恨的是强烈的放射性对人体会产生很深的伤害。Feeling, hate is very radioactive to human body produce deep hurt.然而,最近国家石材质量监督检验中心、全国石材标准化技术委员会、 中国石材工业协会联合发表通过表示:建筑工程和各类Recently, however, the national stone quality supervision and inspection center, the national stone standardization technical committee, Chinese stone material industrial association published by construction projects and various said家装Domestic outfit可以放心地选用大理石产品,无需进行放射性检测。Can safely choose marble products, need not be ratioactive inspection.难道长期以来,大理石一直被Don't for a long time, marble has been装修decorate人误解,错怪了?Misunderstood, wronged?
大理石的材质是什么?Marble material is what?
大理石属于沉积岩,主要由碳酸盐矿物组成,从大理石形成的地质过程分析,天然大理石的形成均与放射性物质没有直接关联,因而对人体不具有放射性危害。Marble belong to sedimentary rocks, and mainly by carbonate mineral composition, from marble formation geological process analysis, the formation of natural marble and radioactive substances are not directly related to human body, thus not radioactive hazards.根据GB6566-2001《建筑材料放射性核素限量》国家标准实施9年来对石材的实际测定数据,天然大理石中放射性核素镭-226、钍-232、钾-40的放射性比活度远低于标准中A类(绿色,不受限制)指标,完全可以忽略不计。According to GB6566-2001 building material radionuclide set limit to "national standards implementation for nine years of stone material of actual measurement data, natural marble of radionuclide radium - 226 - and thorium 232, potassium - 40 of radioactive than activity far below standard of A class (green, is not restricted) index, and can completely neglected.

官方表示,大理石无对人体无实质性危害Authorities say, be without substantial harm human body marble
GB6566-2001《建筑材料放射性核素限量》强制性国家标准从发布和实施之日起,大理石从未列入强制性检测的建筑材料之列;GB6566-2001 building material radionuclide set limit to "mandatory national standards from the date of publication and implementation, marble never included compulsory inspection building material list,在我国的石材产品标准JC/T202-2001《天然大理石荒料》行业标准和GB/T 19766-2005《天然大理石建筑板材》国家标准的技术要求中,没有检测放射性核素比活度的要求。The stone product standards in China T202-2001 JC/waste material of natural marble "industry standards and GB/T 19766-2005" natural marble building plank "national standards technical requirements, no detection radionuclide than activity of requirements.
大理石无害,可放心使用Marble is harmless, can be at ease use
长期以来许多消费者对石材分类缺乏了解,同时,由于对大理石放射性存在误解,大理石曾被列入海关的必检项目,给我国大理石的正常贸易带来负面影响。Long-term since many consumers of stone material classification, at the same time, because of lack of understanding of marble radioactive misunderstanding, marble has been listed in the customs shall check project, for our country the marble of normal trade brings negative effect.2008年12月24日,国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布了《关于调整出入境检验检疫机构实施检验检疫的进出境商品名录(2009年)》的公告,决定从2009年1月1日起,将大理石及其制品(包括石灰石 、砂岩等天然石材产品)调出《法检目录》,不再实施出入境检验检疫监管,即大理石不再进行放射性强制检验。2008 on December 24, the state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine issued about adjusting entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions to implement inspection and quarantine of entry or exit commodity list (2009) "the announcement and decided from January 2009, 1 marble and its products (including limestone, sandstone natural stone products) accesses the catalogue of the law, no longer implementation by entry-exit inspection and quarantine supervision, namely the marble undertake no longer radioactive compulsory inspection.
为此,官方提醒:希望各级石材检测机构应严格执行国家有关检测标准,无需对大理石产品做放射性检测,并同时做好宣传和解释工作。Therefore, the official remind: hope at all levels shall strictly carry out the stone inspection agencies relevant state inspection standard, do not need to marble products do ratioactive inspection, and well propaganda and interpretation work.建筑工程和各类Construction engineering and various家装Domestic outfit可以放心地选用大理石产品。Can safely choose marble products.社会上普遍流传着大理石对人体有放射性危害,在建筑装饰中使用大理石会使人致癌的说法,误导了广大消费者。Social prevailing rumours that the marble to human body radioactive harm, in architectural decoration use marble can make the person carcinogenic parlance, misled consumers.严重影响了大理石产品在建筑装饰中的应用,这种说法没有任何科学依据。Serious impact on the marble products in architectural decoration application, this statement not based on any scientific evidence.
| Abstract: for many years, the stone in marbledecorate.Always be people and timber of love and hate.Love is the atmospheredecorate Feeling, hate is very radioactive to human body produce deep hurt.Recently, however, the national stone quality supervision and inspection center, the national stone standardization technical committee, Chinese stone material industrial association published by construction projects and various saidCan safely choose marble products, need not be ratioactive inspection.Don't for a long time, marble has beenMisunderstood, wronged?
Marble material is what?
Marble belong to sedimentary rocks, and mainly by carbonate mineral composition, from marble formation geological process analysis, the formation of natural marble and radioactive substances are not directly related to human body, thus not radioactive hazards.According to GB6566-2001 building material radionuclide set limit to "national standards implementation for nine years of stone material of actual measurement data, natural marble of radionuclide radium - 226 - and thorium 232, potassium - 40 of radioactive than activity far below standard of A class (green, is not restricted) index, and can completely neglected.

Authorities say, be without substantial harm human body marble
GB6566-2001 building material radionuclide set limit to "mandatory national standards from the date of publication and implementation, marble never included compulsory inspection building material list,The stone product standards in China T202-2001 JC/waste material of natural marble "industry standards and GB/T 19766-2005" natural marble building plank "national standards technical requirements, no detection radionuclide than activity of requirements.
Marble is harmless, can be at ease use
Long-term since many consumers of stone material classification, at the same time, because of lack of understanding of marble radioactive misunderstanding, marble has been listed in the customs shall check project, for our country the marble of normal trade brings negative effect.2008 on December 24, the state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine issued about adjusting entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions to implement inspection and quarantine of entry or exit commodity list (2009) "the announcement and decided from January 2009, 1 marble and its products (including limestone, sandstone natural stone products) accesses the catalogue of the law, no longer implementation by entry-exit inspection and quarantine supervision, namely the marble undertake no longer radioactive compulsory inspection.
Therefore, the official remind: hope at all levels shall strictly carry out the stone inspection agencies relevant state inspection standard, do not need to marble products do ratioactive inspection, and well propaganda and interpretation work.Construction engineering and variousCan safely choose marble products.Social prevailing rumours that the marble to human body radioactive harm, in architectural decoration use marble can make the person carcinogenic parlance, misled consumers.Serious impact on the marble products in architectural decoration application, this statement not based on any scientific evidence. |